You are exactly where you are supposed to be!
What if we stopped for just a moment, took a deep breathe in and reminded ourselves that at this moment we are exactly where we are supposed to be. We can, and should take these moments amidst the crazy to feel confident and trust in what we are doing. Social media, magazines and our pre-programmed busy brains can often draw us into a feeling of never being enough. We end up running around continually on the hamster wheel in hopes of finally getting to that “ahhhh” moment when we have “made” it.
Because we are speaking about holistic nutrition here – that means the whole body matters,mind included, when we are trying to nourish ourselves. I often chat with my clients about how certain nutrients and specific whole foods might be beneficial for them. For sure this matters, but it also matters how you come to life and to your day. How do you tackle challenges? How do you find joy in the daily grind? How do you take care of yourself? Eating a week of nutritious meals doesn’t have the same impact in your body if you are chewing away as you run around stressed to accomplish just one more task. What if this spring you took on a few different approaches to life – here are a few simple ideas to try:
Planned moments in the day to take stock of what you accomplished – you are amazing and every once in a while it matters to sit down and physically check off the “to-do” list so you can see all that you have accomplished.
Sit down to eat at a table setting – set your table with a simple placemat, cutlery and glass of water. Do this ahead of time so you can place your meal down in a peaceful, pre-arranged setting. A table setting helps to create a feeling of belonging, a place that is ours, safe. Because the systems in our body are so interconnected bringing peace to our minds can have a dramatic affect on our digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
It’s a practice – life is not “all or nothing”, it’s a practice! The daily practice of repeatedly doing what is important to you is a big task. Whether you practice thinking positive in the morning or you practice taking deep breathes while you stand in line. It matters! Never minimize what you do.
Drink plenty of water – here’s a challenge for you. Commit to drinking 6 – 8 glasses of water a day for the next week. I know it doesn’t sound exciting like a weight lost challenge or a fancy fad diet. However, give it a try and then give thought at the end of the week to how different you feel. Let me know, I’d love to hear!