
Holistic Nutritional Consultants/Counsellors/Educators are not medical doctors and are not here for medical diagnosing, treatment procedures or for the purpose of prescribing of remedies for the treatment of any disease or any licensed or controlled act which may constitute the practice of medicine.  Any service rendered by a Holistic Nutritional Consultant/Counsellor/Educator is not designed to cure, prevent or treat any disease, pain, injury, mental or physical condition of any kind.


The services of a Holistic Nutritional Consultant/ Counsellor/Educator are not to be confused with the services provided by a Dietician.  Each practitioner has a unique approach to nutrition and it is the individual’s responsibility to determine which practitioner is best suited to their needs.


As well, the information on this website if NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of your primary health care professional.


If you have a health condition, problem or disease or before making any changes to your health care regimen,  please consult your primary care physician, naturopathic doctor or other licensed healthcare provider.


Remembering that Holistic Nutritional Consultants/Counsellors/Educators are not licensed to treat disease.  However, they can recommend dietary and lifestyle improvements to facilitate wellness and bring one’s health back into equilibrium. If as a result, symptoms should subside then all the better.


Holistic Nutrition focuses on promoting health  – not treating disease or sickness