Pantry Reset


This is the place to start if you have been wanting to cook and eat healthier.  We are creatures of habit and our cooking norms are no different than any other habit we have developed.  A pantry reset helps to put healthy ingredients at the forefront so you are more apt to try making a meal using nutritious ingredients rather than going back to how you used to cook.


Pantry reset can help with?

  • helps answer the question: I want to cook and eat healthier, where do I start?
  • Make from scratch cooking a norm with the necessary ingredients close at hand
  • Want to try gluten free eating/baking? Have gluten free flour blends right inside your pantry
  • Have common base ingredients close at hand to begin creating your own recipes based on what you have that day
  • Throwing together a quick and cost efficient family meal


What do you get?

  • I will spend a couple of hours with you to purge your pantry and give you ideas on how to re-stock with whole foods and close – at – hand healthier options to make from scratch cooking easier and healthy eating simpler.