Nutritional Education


The nutritional world is vast and expanding. The abundance of information can leave an individual feeling intrigued, yet confused on what changes to make in their life to achieve better health.


Nutritional education can take many forms, such as:

  • learning if gluten-free eating is right for you
  • learning to cook from a vegetable-centric focus
  • learning how to unlock powerhouse nutrients in your food
  • learning how to cook for a recently diagnosed health condition.


Education for holistic lifestyle changes can include:

  • learning the benefits of a morning and evening routine
  • factoring meditation into your day
  • learning the benefits of outdoor activities.


If your question is directed towards a specific topic and not to focus on your own imbalances this education component is suited to you.


Nutritional education can help with:

  • bringing widespread nutritional information to a more personal level
  • answering questions you may have but don’t have the time to research yourself
  • getting inspired to move towards healthy living


What do you get?

A  personalized session geared to answering your questions.  Contact me before you add to your cart with a list of what you’d like to review.  I will do up a package designed to answer your questions.  Based on what you request I will let you know how long of a session to book.  We can make this work in one session or break it into a few if that suits better.