3 Easy Steps to make Back to School Healthier and Calmer
Start the New Year off right!!
And, no….I’m not talking about January 1st! For our family and a lot of other families, September rings in the New Year. School starts, university is under way and a whole number of other activities take flight. It’s a serious adjustment from the laid back sun-filled summer days.
I remember summers as a kid – it felt like the hot days lasted forever, with endless amounts of time to linger and soak up the warmth. Now, with a family of five it feels like we blink and Summer is over. Quite honestly that is probably because even the shift from the previous school year to the relaxed summer days takes some doing and once we actually settle in we only have a few weeks left.
At the end of June, I’d love to say we just pack up the school books, throw on the flip flops and jump head first into Summer. But no, It takes a few weeks to get used to a more leisurely routine and a much slower pace. Quite soon though, the days begin to flow, we linger outside longer, most meals are on the patio, books get read and road trips happen.
Then somewhere around the end of July…..
I catch a glimpse of the school supplies in the stores. Every time this happens my heart races and a touch of panic sets in. I’ve been doing this for years but yet every year it happens. Anyone with me on this? With that little bit of panic comes the desire to get organized, to feel prepped and ready to start the New Year off right. There is a little part of me that wants to ignore the school supply sales and the constant ads on TV – to simply hold onto the childhood memories of what summer used to be and to drag the feeling right to the last day of August. However, I have learned over the years I feel calmer, my family is happier and we are ready for the momentum of September if we have a few things in place. The number one goal for September is to have a snack and meal plan in place. Our nutrition is our fuel! Life for us runs a whole lot smoother if we have meals that provide the extra energy required for a busier pace, meals that balance blood sugars to keep our moods stable and meals that support our immune system as the cold and flu season approaches.
Here is my list of 3 easy steps you can take to get your kitchen and your mind set to fuel your family’s return to September:
1. Organize your pantry – If it looks nice you’ll love it!! I love a clean, tidy and pretty looking pantry.
Step 1: Find glass jars that fit your pantry shelf – glass jars are the safest way to store foods.
I should mention, I realize it is better in some cases to store items in the fridge. However, if your fridge is at all like mine with three teenagers at home there is absolutely no room!!
Step 2: Label jars in a printable font you love
Step 3: Fill jars with healthy ingredients such as those listed below – this lists includes some of the simplest nutrient dense foods to get you started on a healthy meal plan
Brown rice
Red Lentils
Whole-grain Flour
Brown Rice Flour
Almond Flour
Arrowroot Starch
Coconut Sugar
2. Organize your fridge – Again, if it looks good you’ll feel good. The fridge is the hub of a busy kitchen. Each Fall I try to organize the fridge so we have containers at easy access for pre-cut veggies, pre-cooked grains and for pre-made salad dressings or marinades. You wouldn’t believe how much of a game changer it is to have these items ready.
Step 1: Take everything out of your fridge, clean the shelves.
Step 2: Gather sealable glass containers for any veggies you plan to pre-cut, grains you plan to pre-cook or jars for those dressings and marinades. Organize containers on an easy to access shelf.
Step 3: Refill fridge with only items you want your family to eat. Keeping the most used as the most accessible.
3. Meal plan for the week – There is something so calming about having a meal plan in place. When the days gets busy you can rest assured dinner is not another decision you have to make. It’s already planned! If the kids in your family are old enough divide up veggie prep among all members of the family so most of the prep work is done when dinner time arrives. If you need help with a meal plan, email me at contact@rootholisticnutrition.ca
I’d be happy to give you a personalized 3 – day meal plan for free.
Want to make meal planning even easier? Check back for my upcoming blog on Double-Duty meals. Yes, cook once eat twice!!!